“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains un-awakened…”

Any of us who have benefited from the great love of a cherished pet knows this to be true. Keep the special bond we share with our pets alive by memorializing them with a beautiful stone or pet marker. A garden marker, wall plaque, or unique piece in stone can memorialize the great times that you spent together.

Our stones are made of the same quality of engraved granite as those stones we make for cemetaries.  Your pet memorial stone will serve as a pet grave marker in your yard for your pet to be remembered always. Let us help you with your granite pet memorial and we can build a pet marker that you will help you cherish and remember the “friend” lost.


  • Fill out the attached form
  • We will prepare a draft design for your review

Markers and Plaques

  • Plaques and markers should be created of premium “memorial grade” black granite
  • If installed outside the marker should be flush to the ground.