A Distinguished History Entering into it’s Second Century – Laurin Ottawa Monuments

Mr. Laurin.  Our Founder


We welcome you to have a look at photos from our past. Laurin Ottawa Monuments was initially located on George street before our move in the 1950’s to our current location on York.

In the early days monuments were produced from local stones with limestone monuments being the most common.  The stone was soft and easily carved. Unfortunately, in recent years the onset of acid rain and other contaminants has dramatically harmed these stones. Many stones have aged centuries in only a few decades.

In more recent times the stone of choice for a monument is granite. It’s among the hardest of all stone and is immune to acid and many other elements.

Mr. Aurele Parisien

Successor to the Laurin Family


JP Laurin Monuments circa 1956.  We remain at this facility on the corner of York and King Edward to this day

Laurin 1960

Laurin Secon Location

Our original location on George Street

A truck loading a stone for the Old Jewish Cemetery. 1934


An original invoice signed by JP Laurin in 1943. Note the war tax of 5% at the time.


An advertisement in Le Droit in 1918. Notice the phone number was only three digits – 612

Laurin Ad

Workers in our shop that was then located on George street. (Circa. 1917) Notice the use of Limestone at the time.OLD Laurin Site Jewish 2009-57